
Alain Michard, La Carpe et le Lapin

illustration d’Alice Gautier


Alain Michard, La carpe et le Lapin, La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes, 2014

photo: Benoît Mauras


Alain Michard, La carpe et le Lapin, La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes, 2014

photo: Benoît Mauras


Alain Michard, La carpe et le Lapin, La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes, 2014

photo: Benoît Mauras

Green Flash


La Carpe et le Lapin

(The Carp and the Rabbit)

Alain Michard

Episode 1: The Wild and the Captive

Every artist bears within him a private history of art.
The artists peopling Alain Michard’s history are largely unyielding, marginal and untameable.
This artist and self-proclaimed historian addresses his audience with his hands in his pockets. No notes, no papers. This is exclusively about narrative and the power of narrative.

The choice of artists for each lecture is kept secret, with no attempt at aesthetic or historical consistency. The opposite in fact: the most ’mismatched’ will perhaps be the best suited.

The Carp and the Rabbit is a series of lecture-performances scheduled for different venues in Rennes – Phakt, Colombier Cultural Centre and Frac Bretagne – throughout the season.



Household Temple Yard

Gareth Moore

from 25 September to 30 November 2014



Battre la Campagne

Yves Chaudouët

from September 2014 to August 2015


Tas de cailloux

Battre la Campagne

Yves Chaudouët